Every Night
“Ev’ry night I just wanna go out,
Get out of my head.
Ev’ry day I don’t wanna get up,
Get out of my bed.
Ev’ry night I want to play out
And ev’ry day I wanna do-ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh.
But tonight I just wanna stay in
And be with you-oo,
And be with you.”

Such a simple song. with such a simple lyrics. But Paul McCartney, who released this song while having a falling out with the other Beatles, mostly his pal John Lennon, put some heart into this song on his debut solo album, McCartney, from April 1970. It’s a beautiful thing.
Apparently, at the time, he was living in his farm, in Scotland with Linda and was going though a bad and depressive time. I explored a bit more of that Beatles and McCartney period — and with that, discovered great song gems — after the truly marvelous Peter Jackson album-recording-documentary, “Beatles: Get Back,” shot in 1969.